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Switch & Save Utilities
Switch & Save Utilities
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

You can now switch and save your energy provider (electricity, gas or both) and save up to $500!

How it works?

  1. Enter your postcode to find the best deals in your area

  2. Review and choose a plan that best suits you

  3. Verify your details (required when switching energy providers)

  4. Once you've entered all your details, your new energy provider will get in touch with you to confirm all your plan details.

  5. That's it!

Things to note:

If you are transferring from another retailer:

  • Once your new energy provider has been approved your transfer, your previous energy provider will send you a final bill and all future bills will be sent by your new provider.

  • Your account will be transferred on or before your next scheduled meter read. Depending on where you are in your billing cycle, this could take up to 4 months. Please note: If you have a smart meter your new provider does not need to wait for you next scheduled meter read to transfer you electricity account so this may happen must faster.

If you are moving property:

  • You need to ensure there is access to your meter and your main switch is turned off for your new energy provider, to connect your electricity on the specified day.

  • It is your responsibility to tell your current providers that you are moving out of your current property and that you would like the electricity to be disconnected.

If you have any questions or need any help, please shoot us an email at

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